முப்பதிலே முந்நூறு ( திருப்பாவை நீதிகள் )


Srimathe Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya Nama:

Srimathe Raghuveera Mahadesikaya Nama:

Adiyen. On this auspicious Dhanur mAsa eve, with the divine grace of Acharyan, PoorvAchAryAL, Acharya PadukaiGaL, Swami Desikan and Divya Dhampathi, Veda Dharma Samrakshana Sabha is happy to share முப்பதிலே முந்நூறு ( திருப்பாவை நீதிகள் ) - mummadhilE munnooRu (Precious Insights from ThiruppAvai) blessed by 

Sri U Ve Thirumalai Chaturveda Sathakradhu Navalpakkam Rahasyarta Kovida Yagnyavaraha Tatacharya Swamin (Sri U Ve Navalpakkam Dr. Kannan Swami).  

English translation is by Smt. Jayashree Vaidyanathan. Adiyen take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude to her for this precious kainkarya help.             

Adiyen’s sAshtAnga praNAmangaL to Sri U Ve Navalpakkam Dr.Kannan Swamin for this parOpakAram and for giving adiyongal the permission to share this treasure with bhagavatas.

In Gratitude: Sri Desikan Sabha, Hyderabad - 47th special commemorative issue on ThiruppAvai utsavam.

Our humble prostrations to Sri U Ve NAvalpAkkam JagannAtha ThAthAchArya Swami, ThiruvallikkEni, for blessing us with this material. 

With Acharyan, Swami Desikan and Sri Lakshmi Hayagrivan’s anugraham, Thiruvallur Sri. Raghava Nrusimhan Swamin has put together this article into a nice document with  sradhdhai, bhakthi and parisramam. Adiyen’s heartfelt thanks to Thiruvallur Sri. Raghava Nrusimhan Swamin for this invaluable help.

Bhagavatas are requested to download this treasure from the link given below and benefit (Tamil)


Bhagavatas are requested to download this treasure from the link given below and benefit. (English)
