Hari Nama Sankeerthana Bhajan
Srimathe Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya Nama:
Srimathe Raghuveera Mahadesikaya Nama:
Adiyen. With the abundant grace of Acharyan, Acharya Padukas and Divya Dhampathi, Veda Dharma Samrakshana Sabha is happy to commence “Hari Nama Sankeerthana Bhajan” by "Anandha Nardhana Gana Priya", "Rasika Jana Priya", "Bhagavatha Sironmani" - Santha Sri Muralidas Swamigal and Party on the auspicious AvaNi mAsa – Hasta Nakshathra Subha Dhinam over telephone.
Santha Sri Muralidas Swami performs SamparadhAya Bhajans along with his group for the past 40 years throughout India. Songs of the Hari Nama Sankeerthana bhajan will be on Lord Sriman Narayana and will be in languages like Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi etc.
USA Timings:
Days : Fridays EVERY Week
Time : 08:25 PM to 09:10 PM EDT
India Timings:
Days : Saturdays EVERY Week
Time : 05:55 AM to 06:40 AM IST
USA and Canada:
Listing below the dial-in and passcode details.
Ustream Channel:
Bhagavatas can listen to the bhajan from the following Ustream Channel also
Hari Nama Sankeerthana Bhajan Sponsorship:
Bhagavatas can Sponsor Hari Nama Sankeerthana Bhajan by clicking the “Donate” button below.
(PayPal account is not needed to make a Sambhavana. Bhagavatas can use any major Credit Card.)
Conference Dial-in Number
Participant Access Code
NOTE: Veda Dharma Samrakshana Sabha Inc is a Religious, Not-for-Profit Organization (IRS-EIN-46-1993233) registered in the State of North Carolina, USA. Veda Dharma Samrakshana Sabha Inc is yet to get the Tax Exempt Status. Kindly note that till that time, your contributions will not get any Tax Exemption in USA. Contributions are used to support the Veda and 4000 Divya Prabhandha Samrakshana kaikaryams.