Srimathe Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya Nama:
Srimathe Raghuveera Mahadesikaya Nama:
Sri U Ve Navalpakkam Valayapettai Ramachariar Swamin
Sri DayA Shatakam
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Individual stOtrams of Sri Desika StOtrANi and a brief note about them are given below.
1. Sri Hayagriva Stotram
The first slOkam created by Swamy Desikan. It has 33 slokams eulogizing the Horse-faced Lord, the abode of all vidhyas. He is Jn~Ananda svaroopan. He has Chakram and Jn~Ana mudhrai on his 2 right hands; sankam and a book adorn the two left hands. His avatara dinam is AvaNi SravaNam. Recital of this stotram containing His mantram confers success in all educational endeavours. Thursday is a special day for worship with cardamom garlands.
2. Sri Dasavatara Stotram
This stotram is about the ten incarnations of Sri Ranganathan of Srirangam. Swamy Desikan composed this stotram at the Dasavatara sannidhi built by Thirumangai AzhwAr at Srirangam. It has 13 beautiful slokams including the Phala sruti slOkam. Swamy Desikan describes each of the ten avatarams with one slokam.
3. Sri Bhagavad Dhyana Sopanam
This stotram with 12 slOkams describes the auspicious body (Thirumeni) of Lord Ranganatha from His sacred feet to His Crown in the manner chosen by ThiruppAnAzhwAr in his dhivya Prabhandam of AmalanAdhipirAn. Swamy Desikan points out in the eleventh slokam that the divine couple of Srirangam reside permanently in His heart lotus.
4. Sri Abheeti Stavam
This stotram has 29 slOkams praying to Lord Ranganatha to remove his fears about the interruption of the ArAdhanam for Lord Ranganatha at Srirangam because of the invasion by turushka invaders from the north. Swamy Desikan composed these 29 slokams of this stavam at Thirunarayanapuram, where he was in exile. It is believed that Lord Ranganantha removes the fears and fulfills the wishes of those, who recite this Stavam with faith and devotion.
5. Dayaa Satakam
This satakam has 108 slokams to celebrate the Dayaa guNam of the Lord of Seven Hills. One who recites this stotram daily will receive sarva MangaLams. Swamy Desikan identifies the Dayaa guNam of the Lord of Thiruvenkatam as the most superior guNam among all His limitless guNams. Dayaa guNam is considered by Swamy Desikan as a dear consort of the Lord of Sapta Giri and he performs Prapatti to His Lord in this satakam in a moving manner.
6. Sri Varadaraja Panchaasat
There are 51 slOkams in this stotram about Lord Varadarajan of Kaanchi. ThUppul, the avatara sthalam of Swamy Desikan is near Lord Varadarajan’s temple. Swamy Desikan’s celebration of the Vaibhavam of Lord of Kaanchi extends to His unique VaikAsi BrahmOtsavam. In this stuti, Swamy Desikan declares that he has no interest in the allure of Sri VaikunTham as long as he has the uninterrupted bhAgyam to enjoy the divine beauty of Lord Varadarajan daily.
7. Sri Vairagya Panchakam
This stuti celebrates the guNam of VairAgyam (detatchment from material wealth and desire for high positions) through five slokams. At the time of composition of this sotram, Swamy Desikan was very poor and led his life through unchavrutti. Swamy Deiskan’s friend in high position at the court of Vijayanagara kings offered a high position at the court for Swamy Desikan to leave poverty behind.
Swamy Desikan turned it down and affirmed that Lord Varadarajan is the eternal wealth that never diminishes and his lack of interest in the perishable material wealth of this world.
8. Sri SaraNagati Dheepikai
The 59 slokams of this stotram deal extensively with the SaraNagati doctrine and its amsams. This stotram is a prayer to Sri Dheepa PrakAsar, who is the presiding deity of his avatAra Sthalam, ThiruttaNkaa/Thooppul. The unassailed glories of Prapatti as an unfailing upAyam for gaining release from the cycles of births and deaths is celebrated here.
9. Sri Vegaa SEtu Stotram
The ten slokams of this stotram eulogize the Lord of Thiruvehhaa, who protected the Yajn~am of Brahma Devan from the fury of His wife Saraswati, who rushed towards the site of the Yajn~am as a fat and furious river. The Lord took the form of a dam and stopped the river from causing any damage to the Yajn~am . In this stotram, Swamy Desikan points out that the Lord is both the means and the goal and He symbolizes the safe dam as a path to travel to the other side of the samsaric world.
10. AshtabhujAshtakam
These ten slOkams of this stotram describes the Vaibhavam of the Lord with eight hands (Ashta Bhujan), who incarnated to protect the Yajn~am of Brahma Devan at Kaanchi. Here Swamy Desikan
praises the anugrahams of the Lord of Ashta Bhuja divya desam and declares his steadfast devotion to the Lord as a Prapannan and prays for blemishless Kiamkaryams to Him until his last day on earth.
11. KaamAseekAshtakam
The nine slOkams of this stotram eulogize Lord Yoga Narasimhan, who is seated here out of His own volition. Swamy Desikan identifies this Lord as the One praised by the Upanishads and salutes the power of His hands to protect His devotees and to destroy the enemies of His BhAgavatAs. Swamy Desikan states that Lord Narasimhan presiding over this divya desam is the Protector of all.
12. Sri ParamArhta Stuti
The ten slOkams of this stuti are about Lord Vijayaraghavan of Thirupputkkuzhi divya desam. In this stuti, Sawmy Desikan praises the Lord as the boon-yielding divine PaarijAta tree and wonders about the Lord’s generosity to forgive even His enemies and thereafter bless them with all soubhAgyams.
13. Sri DEvanAyaka PanchAsat
The 53 slOkams of this stuti on Lord DeivanAyakan, who presides over the divya desam of Thiruvaheendrapuram. Swamy Desikan stayed here for 40 of the 100 years of his life and was very attached to Lord DhaivanAyakan. Swamy was lost in the bliss arising from the enjoyment of the divine beauty of the Lord and attests the power of SaraNaagati performed at the sacred feet of the Lord here to gain Moksha saamrAhyam.
14. Sri Achyuta Satakam
The 101 slokams of this satakam are in the Praakrutam language. Swamy Desikan was enchanted to enjoy the unmatched beauty of the Lord of Thiruvaheendrapuram and took on the form of Sri Venkata Naayaki, a woman in deep love with the Lord. She salutes the Lord as the Emperor of the universes and eulogizes the superiority of the Prapatti route that permits us as PrapannAs to travel by the archirAdhi margam to reach Sri Vaikuntham to serve the Lord with blemishless kaimakryams.
15. Sri Mahaaveera Vaibhavam
This stotram in the prose (gadhyam) styler has 94 choorNikais. It is also known as Sri Raghuveera Gadhyam. The Raghu Veeran here is Lord Raamachandran. This stotram was composed in Thiruvaheendrapuram. The majestic dhvani of this stOtram is captivating. The gadhyam summarizes the high lights of the seven cantos of Srimat RaamAyaNam.
16. Sri GopAla Vimsati
The twenty slOkams of this stotram is an eulogy of the Lord of BrundhAvanam, KaNNan . The many delectable leelais of Baala KrishNan are covered here and the structure of GopAla mantram is incorporated in one of the twenty slOkams.
17. Sri DehaLeeSa Stuti
The 28 slOkams of this stuti focus on Lord Trivikraman presiding over His sannidhi at ThirukkOvalUr situated on the banks of PeNNai river. Swamy Desikan salutes the three AzhwArs, who had the direct vision of the Lord at this divya desam at the dehaLi of the Asramam of Sage MrugaNDu . The vaibhavam of TrivikramAvataram, the descent of the sacred Ganga to earth are covered here.
18. Sri Stuti
Mahaa Lakshmi is revered in our sampradhAyam as Periya PirAtti. She never ever leaves Her residence at the vakshasthalam (chest) of Her lord . She is the Empress and intercedes on behalf of her children with Her Lord to forgive them for their trespasses (PurushakAram) . She stays as the means (upAyam) for the performance of Prapatti (SaraNAgati) before Her Lord and stays together with Her Lord to bless us with the fruits of that Prapatti (Phalan) after Prapatti. There are 25 slOkams about the Vaibhavam of SrI Devi bequeathed to us as our kula dhanam and Rakshai by Swamy Desikan. Periya PirAttis’ svaroopam, ThirumEni, kalyANa guNams, Vaibhavam and Iswaryam are celebrated in this most auspicious stOtram by Swamy Desikan.
19. BhU stuti
There are 33 slOkams in this stuti blessed to us by Swamy Desikan about the infinite glories of Bhumi Devi, a PirAtti dear to the Lord. She is celebrated as the Devi of Yajn~a VarAha Moorthy, who
responded to BhU Devi’s prayer and instructed us on the means for Moksham through the VarAha Charama SlOkam. Her vow (sanklapam) to save Her children from samsAric afflictions are celebrated here.
20. GodhA Stuti
This stuti on ANDAL (GodhA) was composed by Swamy Desikan at SrivilliputthUr. GodhA is the dear daughter of PeriyAzhwAr. This stuti has 29 slOkams. GodhA Piratti in Sri VaishNava sampradhAyam is considered as an amsam of BhUmi Devi or NeeLA devi. The high esteeem of Lord RanganAtha in adorning the flower garlands worn by GodhA (Soodikkodutta NaacchiyAr) and Her anugraham for us to receive the fruits of eternal Kaimakryam to Lord Ranganathan are celebrated in this moving stuti.
21. Sri NyAsa Dasakam
The ten slokams of this stotra grantam used daily by Sri VaishNavAs deals with the Prapatti done by Swamy Desikan at the sacred feet of Lord VaradarAjan of Kaanchi. The method of performing Bhara SamarpaNam (self-surrender), its five parts (angams) and the method of performing Saatvika tyAgam are covered here. This stuti has been commented in depth by many AchAryAs and prays for nitya kaimakryam at the Lord’s sannidhi.
22. Sri NyAsa Vimsati
There are 22 slOkams dealing with Prapatti (NyAsam) in this stOtram. The importance of this stuti can be understood from the fact that Swamy Desikan Himself wrote a commentary in Sanskrit for this stotra grantham. Topics covered by Swamy Desikan for our guidance are: AchArya LakshaNam Sishya LakshaNam, AchAryan’s help to the sishyan, the fitness for Bhakti and Prapatti, the angams of Prapatti, the objections and the answers about the doctrines of Prapatti and the way to perform Prapatti. The twentieth slOkam sums up marvelously all the features of Prapatti in one verse.
23. Sri NyAsa Tilakam
This stotra grantam dealing with Prapatti like NyAsa Dasakam and NyAsa Vimsati elaborates on the essential aspects of NyAsam (SaraNAgati/Prapatti). It has 32 slOkams and is dedicated to Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam. Tilakam or the auspicious dot worn on the forehead brings out the beauty of a woman. Similarly, this stotra grantham brings out the many splendored beauty of Praptti Saastram according to Swamy Desikan.
24. Sri SudarsanAshtakam
The eight slOkams of this stOtra grantham celebrate the vaibhavam of Lord Sudarsanar adorning the upper right hand of Sriman NaarAyaNan. Daily recitation of this stOtram would assures us victory in our tasks to serve BhagavAn, His BhAgavtAs and our AchArya Paramparai. This is a powerful stotram blessed to us by Swamy Desikan to gain the desired phalans while executing even the most difficult tasks.
25. Sri ShOdasAyudha StOtram
This stotram with 19 slOkams is also about Lord Sudarsanan and the sixteen weapons (Aayudams) that He adorns in His hands to protect those, who seek His rakshai. These 16 weapons are described also in Swamy Desikan’s critical grantham of Parama Pada SopAnam. This and Sri Sudarsna ashtakam were created by the most merciful Swamy Desikan to overcome the winter fever that the residents of the divya desam of Thirupputkkuzhi suffered from.
26.Sri Garuda PanchAsat
These are 50 slOkams about Sri Garudan. Swamy Desikan recited Garuda Mantram that He had received as upadEsam form His AchAryan many times at the Oushada giri at Thiruvaheendrapuram and was blessed to have the direct darsana soubhAgyam of Lord Garudan and received Sri Hayagriva Mantra upadEsam from SrI Garudan. Lord Hayagrivan’s blessings led to Swamy Desikan shining as one of the most illustrious AchAryans of Bhagavad RaamAnuja sampradhAyam. Swamy Desikan composed the 50 slOkams of Sri Garuda PanchAsat to express his debt of gratitude to Garuda BhagavAn. Those who recite this slOkam and the Garuda DaNDakam will be free from the harms caused by the poisonous insects and animals.
27. Sri Garuda DaNDakam
This stotram is set in the DaNDakam meter. This stotra Grantam was composed at Kaanchi, when a snake charmer challenged Swamy Desikan to control one of his fierce, poisonous snake. When the snake advanced towards our AchAryan , Swamy Desikan recited the Garuda Mantram and Garuda Bhagavan descended and took the snake away. The snake charmer lost his jeevanam and prayed to Swamy Desikan to return his snake to continue with his livelihood. Ever compassionate AchAryan created Garuda DaNDakam and the pleased Pakshi Raajan returned the snake. This Garuda DaNDakam is a glorious celebration of the Vaibhavam of the Nitya Soori, who serves the Lord as His Vaahanam.
28. Sri YatirAja Saptati
This stotra grantham consisting of 74 slOkams was composed by Swamy Desikan at SriperumbhUthUr, the avatara stalam of AchArya RaamAnujar, the King of all sanyAsis (Yati Raajar) on a Chittirai TiruvAdhirai, the avatAra dinam of AchArya RaamAnuja. This stOtram is an embodiment of the deep bhakti Swamy Desikan had for AchArya Ramanuja. Swamy Desikan pays tribute to the Sri Sooktis of AchArya RamAnuja, which confers on us special jn~Anam about both the VibhUtis (Iswaryam) of the Lord (BhU Lokam and Sri VaikunTham) and celebrates the unmatched loftiness of the Bhagavad RaamAnuja SiddhAntam.